50 common knowledge, very simple, but more valuable than gold!

The small details in life often contain a healthy university question.If you want to live a healthier life, you don’t have to find a complicated secret. Just pay attention to some simple common sense, and you can get endless healthy wealth.The following 100 healthy common sense, simple but precious, hopes to add a touch of color to your healthy life.

1. Dietary articles

1. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, don’t ignore it.

2. Drink plenty of water and keep your body moisture balance.

3. Moderate intake of high -quality protein, such as fish, lean meat, beans, etc.

4. Eat more vegetables and fruits, supplement vitamins and minerals.

5. Reduce the intake of high -calorie foods such as fried and barbecue.

6. Eat less snacks, especially high sugar, high -salt, and high -fat snacks.

7, diet must be diverse, do not eat partial.

8. Chewing food slowly to help digestion.

9. Don’t lie down immediately after meals, take a break and move before you move.

10. Before going to bed, you should not be full to avoid affecting sleep.

Second, sports chapter

1. Adhere to the right amount of exercise every day, which is good for physical and mental health.

2. Do a good job of warm -up activities before exercise to avoid exercise damage.

3. Choose the right exercise according to personal physical fitness.

4. Appropriate stretching and relaxation after exercise.

5. Those with long -term sedentary should get up regularly to relieve physical fatigue.

6. Walking, jogging, swimming, etc. are all good aerobic methods.

7. Appropriate strength training helps to improve the basal metabolic rate of the body.

8. Exercise should be gradual, not too intense at the beginning.

9. Moisture and energy should be replenished in time after exercise.

10. Persist in exercise and make health a part of life.

Third, workplace

1. Develop good habits, go to bed early and get up early.

2. Ensure that sufficient sleep time, adults usually need to sleep 7-8 hours a day.

3. It should not be too long for lunch breaks to avoid falling asleep at night.

4. Do not use electronic devices such as mobile phones and computers before going to bed.

5. Create a quiet and comfortable sleep environment.

6. Regular schedule helps regulate the biological clock and improve sleep quality.

7. Try to avoid staying up late to avoid damage to the body.

8. Maintain regular schedules on the weekend, do not excessively indulge yourself.

9. Appropriate lunch break can restore energy and improve work efficiency.

10. Maintain good work and rest habits to make your body healthier.

Fourth, psychological chapter

1. Maintain an optimistic attitude and actively face life.

2. Learn to regulate emotions and avoid excessive emotional fluctuations.

3. Keep good communication with friends and relatives and share each other’s mood.

4. Cultivate some hobbies and enrich your life.

5. When encountering problems, actively seek solutions and do not escape.

6. Learn to let go of the past troubles and cherish the beauty of the moment.

7. Keep a grateful heart and cherish the people and things around you.

8. Regular psychological adjustment to maintain psychological health.

9. When encountering difficulties, seek help from a professional psychological counselor.

10. Psychological health is an important part of physical health, and it is necessary to pay enough attention.

5. Daily habits

1. Wash your hands frequently to prevent disease transmission.

2. Develop good oral hygiene habits and brush your teeth sooner or later.

3. Keep indoor ventilation to avoid air pollution.

4. Regular physical examinations to pay attention to physical conditions.

5, quit smoking and restriction, stay away from bad habits.

6. Moderate sun exposure to vitamin D.

7. Avoid long -term exposure to the noise environment.

8. Pay attention to using eye hygiene to avoid staring at the screen for a long time.

9. Keep the correct sitting position and standing position to prevent spinal disease.

10. Regular physical exercise to improve physical fitness.